Divorce & Family Law

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Family Law Cases We Handle

With 40 years of experience in family law, our team can tackle everything from the most basic, uncontested divorce to the most complicated, high-asset case. Our team can help you in obtaining or preventing alimony, and we will work diligently on your behalf to help you receive a fair asset, liability, property, and cash distribution.

Family matters are often stressful for both our clients and our families. If you find yourself facing a difficult situation, we will do everything in power to reduce the stress you may be feeling. Our law firm assists clients with family law matters such as:

  • Property Division
  • Spousal Support/Alimony
  • Child Custody and Parenting Time Disputes
  • Child Support
  • Relocating with Children
  • Restraining Orders/Personal Protection Orders
  • Post-judgment Disputes
  • Paternity

Our Iron Mountain family law attorneys are ready to take your call, answer your questions, and help you achieve the future you envision. Call us now to get started at (906) 774-3808.

Grounds for Divorce in Michigan

While every state is slightly different, in Michigan at least one spouse has to testify that “there has been a breakdown of the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved.” Essentially, this amounts to a public statement that the marriage is over. But, obviously, there’s more to it than that.

Even in the most straightforward cases - including when all parties are amicable - you will still want to protect your interests by retaining a lawyer.

When you have our legal team on your side, we will be here to provide solid advice and to walk you through the minimum waiting periods, residency requirements, and the filing of legal documents.

Child Custody & Parenting Time

Child custody is one of the most important considerations in a divorce case. After all, time with your children is among your most valuable assets as a parent. The Michigan Child Custody Act presumes that it is going to be in the best interest of any children involved to have a solid relationship with both parents. So, if at all possible, that is the end goal here.

We know that divorce can be a contentious process, but we are of the opinion that it doesn’t have to be. At Ryan & Lynch Law, we always seek to minimize the emotional and financial difficulties of divorce for our clients. We will work tirelessly to ensure that you get the parenting time or custody you deserve following the dissolution of your marriage.

Child Support & Alimony

In Michigan, alimony, or spousal support, is a court-mandated level of financial support for a former spouse in the aftermath of a divorce. Alimony determinations can vary considerably on a case-by-case basis. The court must decide whether to award alimony at all, if so, how much alimony to award, and for how long these alimony payments must continue. The same holds true for child support once the issue of custody has been decided.

Contact An Iron Mountain Family Law Attorney

Regardless of whether you are seeking child support or alimony or hoping to avoid paying it out, it is always a good idea to have a highly-regarded Iron Mountain family law attorney fighting for your interests. To schedule your initial consultation fill out our fast and easy online form, and we will be in touch right away!

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